In a heartfelt encounter, Gukesh, the youngest World Chess Champion, met his idol, actor Sivakarthikeyan, at the actor’s office yesterday. Accompanied by his family, Gukesh was joined by Velammal Correspondent Velmohan and Deputy Correspondent Sriram for the special occasion.
A biggest fan of Sivakarthikeyan since his childhood, Gukesh was thrilled to receive a meaningful gift – a watch – from the actor. Sivakarthikeyan praised Gukesh’s remarkable achievement, describing it as an inspiration to millions of young Indians.
The meeting became even more memorable with a cake-cutting ceremony to celebrate Gukesh’s historic success. This heartwarming interaction highlighted the power of admiration and the importance of nurturing young talent. Sivakarthikeyan’s thoughtful gesture beautifully demonstrated the value of recognizing and encouraging achievements that make the nation proud.